Of course the true purpose going down to Seremban is not to "kepoh" stuff la. I don't think we are that bored to do so and if i am really bored i think i will just go watch a movie or enjoy my hobby (sleep). For Ren Ping she went down to Seremban to hand over her letter to some people in Seremban Hosp asking to do attachment there on January for a week. For me i just want to meet up with my friends before i go off to Aussie and of course for Qian Bao's birthday celebration which she is suppose to cook (but she did not cause her house ran out of GAS)
Took some pictures with my friends (smart ones, funny ones, screaming ones etc) and also some real obscene pictures which i am thinking whether i should actually post it up here. It is not just one obscene picture but maybe 2 or 3 of it. Haih those Seremban fellas i think they are too bored of studying till they decided to play "making obscene scene" during people's birthday. Anyway lets have pop quiz. "What happens when your camera falls in the hand of a person who have claimed the award Cam-whore Queen?"
Jo jangan la malu....... hahahahaha
Wonder what this bunch of guys are doing
Cheek aka the cat.... why open mouth so big?
The very high girl that nite (haven't drink alcohol already so high)
i don't know why the finger is there... i think is Jer Ming's one
The Food serve at the restaurant/cafe was nice and it was cooked by Ang Moh (the pizza only) i forgot what is the restaurant's name but it is somewhere in Seremban, near Tesco.
And of course there will always be games to entertain a few people. See how these two people are so deeply into the game they are playing
and the guy who lost twice and won once in the game made a "peace" sign hahahaha.
Then it was time to cut the birthday cake, bought from Secret Recipe and it is an entirely a chocolate cake. Well the cake is nice but if you look carefully i think someone ate part of the cream off the cake, i do wonder who ate the cake before having the birthday girl cutting the cake. (or it might be the cake coming into contact with box that carries it... so it explain the "lost" part)
So after cutting the cake, making a wish or maybe wishes, its time to torture the birthday girl (wonder if this is tradition or just maybe their batch tradition) and what did the birthday girl did....... well it is quite obscene la, she said no pictures here so i think no pictures la. After destroy her prospect of getting a husband. After all the cutting cake, torturing the birthday girl and eating cake, the camwhore session officially begins.
After the cam-whoring session, everyone decided to go to Qian Bao's house to give her another surprise (put it in other words, the torture session haven't officially end yet). This surprise sure is big hahahaha. Almost put the all time Qian Bao mummy to tears.
The culprit and his weapon
To make a long story short, Qian Hui got her face decorated with cream, almost cried, wash up, Ding Yang decided to express her love to Jer Ming then a big U turn occur where everyone decided to decorate Jer Ming's face too with the cream he is holding in the picture.
So the birthday party ended with Qian Hui thanking everyone, then we ate a fruit (i don't know what it is called in English) Yap brought for us an guess who was slicing it to be served?
LOL, it was a fun trip considering that most of the people who can bring Ren Ping and i around is on Family Med posting which according to them is a damn free posting. So since these people (Dorothy and TJ) is so free and due to Ren Ping wanting to go Port Dickson (i also want to go too), so after the party end we drove all the way to PD and actually spend sometime at the beach. Well at least before i fly off to Adelaide, i get to go to the beach.
Those are the pictures we took in PD. Hahahahaha finally get to see the night sky full of stars. So i guess this concludes the trip to Seremban, of course there is more stories the next day but it is a real boring story. According to Ren Ping, Seremban is a dead city at night (no cars on the road) and it is so bored till u can get muscle cramp. Good Luck Ren Ping with your 1 week attachment there hahahaha
P.S. I have one more week till i leave for Adelaide and i am so not ready.